Friday, December 5, 2008


ready for google adsense
first thing you do is build a blog or a website and etc, and make it beauty as possible.
make sure that your blog is full in english or language that the Adsense familiar to. dont forget the theme, if you change the theme you may lost the Adsense. so dont change your theme after you get the approval from adsense.
make your page allways up to date.
after you build, then you register to Adsense. wait for the reply. dont forget to allow the Google team to see your blog or website.
maybe 1 or 3 day you approved by google but may be 1 week or more.
so be patient. and always update.
Please follow the Google Advice and the Licence Agreement.
good luck,
have a nice try!!!

1 comment:

Akasia Documentation said...

please help me...

adsense gw gak di approve teruz.... udah 3x coba dengan email yg beda pula.

4 artikel by english udah gw post, udah pake rss n video bar juga... kenapa blm bisa juga ya?

please help me with reply it to

gw tunggu bgt balasannya... 3 day again gw harus kumpulin link nya?